
馬雲不是浮雲, 完全明白責任, 錢多更要思源, 抗疫防疫不甘後人!!!


The Ma Yun Foundation has invited many front-line clinicians involved in the treatment of New Coronavirus, and spent a week writing a treatment and nursing manual for hospitals, doctors and nurses, which is online today. Today, most hospitals around the world will face challenges. I particularly hope that these practical experiences can be shared with hospitals and medical staff around the world as soon as possible, so please help download, print, or forward them to your nearby hospitals and Paramedics so they can prepare.
Thank you!

Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment: https://covid-19.alibabacloud.com/zh

Handbook 中文版: https://www.alibabacloud.com/…/universal-service/pdf_reader…

Handbook English version: https://www.alibabacloud.com/…/universal-service/pdf_reader…


