
旅遊加美,緊記、緊記、緊記買足醫療保險, 否則…。

這幾個月由六月至十月, 楓葉尤其卑詩省的天氣最佳, 風景特美, 好多朋友都會趁此日子到此旅遊, 老安提醒眾友, 記得買足醫療保險, 否則不幸要看醫生等等, 收費幾要命。現附卑詩省非居民醫療服務收費供參考:

Hospital Fees for Patients
without Canadian Provincial or Federal Health Insurance
For Uninsured Residents of Canada and Non-Residents of Canada
Hospital fees DO NOT include fees for attending physicians, obstetricians, paediatricians, surgeons, etc.
Effective April 1, 2015
Uninsured Resident of Canada Non-Resident of Canada
Hospital outpatient fees:
Outpatient visit (Hospital appointments, each) $618 $927
Emergency visit (each visit) $618 $927
Other fees in addition to outpatient visit fees:
Day surgery (plus Hospital visit fee) $2,330 $3,495
X-Ray, varied (plus Hospital visit fee) $33 and up $49 and up
MRI (plus Hospital visit fee) $1,352 $2,028
CT Scan (plus Hospital visit fee) $1,418 $2,127
High Risk Ultrasound (plus Hospital visit fee) $309 $309
Lab Tests, each (plus Hospital visit fee) $125 $125
Ambulance charges, each trip $240 $240
Private transportation charges, each trip $138 $138
Casting, varied $20 and up $20 and up
Rehabilitation and mobility appliances, varied $2 - $240 $2 - $240
Physician fees as billed by Physician & are separate from Hospital fees
Uninsured Resident of Canada Non-Resident of Canada
Hospital inpatient fees:
Room charges per day:
Ward room - regular $1,894 $2,841
Ward - Intensive Care $5,181 $5,181
Semi-private room $2,074 $3,021
Private room $2,114 $3,061
Other charges as applicable:
X-Ray, varied $33 and up $49 and up
MRI $1,352 $2,028
CT Scan $1,418 $2,127
High Risk Ultrasound $309 $309
Lab tests, each $125 $125
Ambulance charges, each trip $240 $240
Private transportation charges, each trip $138 $138
Casting, varied $20 and up $20 and up
Rehabilitation & mobility appliances, varied $2 - $240 $2 - $240
Telephone and Television services as billed by rental company when services are ordered
Physician fees as billed by Physician & are separate from Hospital fees
This is a list of common Hospital fees and other fees may be applicable for services rendered
not listed above. Fees are in $CAD and subject to change annually.
For further information, contact Financial Services (613) 721-2000 ext. 4800.

 卑詩省(正名為—不列顛哥倫比亞省) 的平均消防員年薪為58,537美元,或每小時30美元。這大約是該國工資中位數的1.8倍。初級職位起薪為41,000美元, 大多數有經驗的人員工資高達82,000美元。是全省最高收入的一群(全加平均年薪工資為四萬加元)。


楓葉救護車服務就是加國公民及居民,每次出動都要收費, 非居民收費更驚人, 香港人在香港真的幸福, 隨便召用, 分文不收。

2. Persons with no valid BC Care Card (e.g. visitors to BC/non-residens, as well as work related injuries, claims under RCMP, and other federal agencies).
$530 flat fee (ground service)(驚人!每次召喚, 港幣三千多元!)
$2,746 per hour (helicopter)
$7 per statute mile (airplane)

這邊召喚救謢車, 並不保證即時到塲, 控制室工作人員會好詳細問清楚要召喚救護車服務的病人或其家人, 病人的病况及緊急情度, 才調動救護車, 而病者病情或傷勢未有即時性命危險的, 需要等待其他較危重的傷病者才服務不太急的傷病者, 有時需等候超過一小時以上。
傷病情緊急有生命危險的, 救護車服務反應會很迅速, 而且會有消防車及消防車到塲協助。
救護員跟香港的不同, 訓練除一般急救外, 是負上好大部份醫生的責任及醫療工作, 會先在現塲初步治療(跟醫院溝通),才抬送病人去醫院。

老安曾因心臟病發召喚救護車, 放下電話不久, 救護車、消防車已到, 救護員初步診視,再召備有心臟消纖儀的心臟病專用救護車到塲。