


彭博社等美媒報導,阿美利堅合眾國華盛頓當地時間14日報導,美國選舉人團當日舉行投票,喬·拜登已獲得270票,贏得美國大選。 根據《美國憲法》及憲法修正案,總統候選人獲得超過半數選舉人票,即270張就可當選。


訴訟。 拜登的發言人就此表示:「拜登勝選的正式結果會在14日正式確認,他將在明年1月20日宣誓就職。 美國總統

選舉實行名為"選舉人團制"的間接選舉制度。 選舉人團由代表50個州和首都華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的538名選舉人組成,投票表決在選舉年12月第二個星期三之後的第一個星期一舉行,今年為12月14日。 除緬因州和內布拉斯加州外,其他48個州和首都華盛頓哥倫比亞特區實行「贏家通吃」制度,即獲得選民票最多者獲得該州或首都華盛頓哥倫比亞特區所有選舉人票。 一般情況下,選舉人團投票表決只是例行公事,不過歷史上也曾出現個別選舉人未按選民意志投票的情況。


完成。 但長期以來,美國總統選舉結果通常在大選投票日就已成定局,選舉人團投票和國會點票只是禮儀性的程式,並無實際意義。但是, 2020年美國遭遇了立國以來少見的在位總統不服輸的畸形環境, 憲法上的正式選舉人投票便成為法律上的必要過程, 特朗普只剩下"武裝光復"的唯一選擇!

長者自有長者的健康指標, 切勿杯弓蛇影,自己嚇自己。


2020/10/27 CCIT






例:75歲= 82 + 75 = 157


正常收縮壓:男性= 82 +年齡,女性= 80 +年齡,











The United States has officially announced that the standard blood pressure is 150/90 over 65 years old, and 160 or even 170 for normal elderly over 80 years old.

2020/10/27 CCIT

Over the years, we have all been greatly affected by the "old standard" (not more than 120) that focused on medical business interests in the past, which has caused a great unnecessary psychological burden of hypertension on the elderly over 60 or 70!

From now on, it is time to correct the wrong ideas taught by doctors. Please see the following report.

〖Please refer to sharing blood pressure〗:

Subvert our understanding of normal blood pressure! What should be the normal blood pressure for various ages?

Normal systolic blood pressure = Wu's calculated systolic blood pressure = (82+age)

Example: 75 years old = 82 + 75 = 157

【in conclusion】

Normal systolic blood pressure: male = 82 + age, female = 80 + age,

Health (normal) index: measured systolic blood pressure = normal systolic blood pressure.

Dr. Guo Mingxiong (Zong Qi) 102, Dean of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical College, told that people over 70 years of age cannot have high blood pressure lower than 130, otherwise they are prone to postural hypotension and fainting. Hypertension between 150 and 130 is safer, and it is better to be higher. , Don't be low.

The same is true for blood sugar. The standards should be relaxed appropriately with the increase of age. The fasting blood sugar of diabetic patients over 60 years old should be controlled at around 6.5, those over 70 years old should be controlled around 7.5, and most of the time over 80 years old should not exceed 8.0, occasionally around 8.5. The harm of hypoglycemia is even more terrible.

Wish every family has a healthy person!

There are "anti-intestinal cancer" substances in rice!

Do you eat rice? Eat it while it's hot? Better to let it cool?

I used to make rice, but I was always afraid of the cold, so I asked my family to eat it while it was hot.

wrong! There is a substance in rice that can fight bowel cancer, called resistant starch; cooked rice will only produce more resistant starch when it is cooled.

Therefore, after the rice is cooked, open the lid and use a spoon to loosen the rice to let the rice dissipate heat. When the rice reaches a mild temperature, eat it again, and resistant starch will be produced. This kind of rice, because there are more resistant starches, it is not easy to convert the resistant starches into sugars, which is good for weight loss and easier to control blood sugar. It is also very good for preventing bowel cancer.

*Hurry up and change the old concept of eating!

Starting today, let’s change our old habit of eating while it’s hot! This reminds me that eating sushi is also good. No wonder the Japanese live a long life. Not only do they eat a lot of sea fish, but it is also scientific to eat rice. It's rice balls, sushi and cold cakes.

PS. After reading it, please don't be stingy and forward it to your friends as soon as possible.