After the whole world has learned of the beating around the bushes way of different stories the USA have spinned regarding the DAMAGED USA NUCLEAR SUBMARINE USS CONNECTICUT IN THE CHINA SEA…
美國在全世界看過美國核潛艇 USS CONNECTICUT在中國海受損的各種不同的故事之後,已經對實事求事的進行了探研……。
Finally on 18-NOV, 2021
終於在 2021 年 11 月 18 日。
The Chinese military authorizes the disclosure of the truth about the accident of the Seawolf class nuclear submarine on the USS Connecticut


How the Chinese People's Liberation Army hunted the most advanced USS Connecticut Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine in the South China Sea
-October 2-The British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, the American aircraft carrier Nimitz, the American aircraft carrier Roosevelt, and the Japanese aircraft carrier Izumo entered with 17 other warships from the United States, Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada and Australia The South China Sea conducts large-scale military exercises against China.
-October 2 to 4-The People's Liberation Army dispatched a large number of military aircraft to the South China Sea to conduct simulated attack exercises against these uninvited warships from the six countries of the United States, Britain, Japan, Holland, Canada and Australia.
-October 2-China's Guanlan Marine Science Guard observed the approximate position and depth of the USS Connecticut Seawolf class nuclear submarine when it entered the South China Sea. The Guanlan satellite sent the data to the Super Measurement Center in Jinan to estimate the position of the Connecticut.

-China’s special detection device captured the ultra-low frequency sonar from the bow of the Connecticut spherical boat and transmitted the data to the Sonar Analysis Center in Shanghai to accurately locate the position and depth of the Connecticut (1500 Meter).
~~The Type 927 underwater acoustic detection ship stationed on Yongshou Island and the anti-submarine helicopter stationed on Yongxing Island are dispatched for detection.

-The Yun-8 military plane took off from the Hainan Air Force Base and carried out a "sonic bomb" on the Connecticut with a "sonic bomb", causing the submarine's personnel to be extremely uncomfortable due to the sonic shock, forcing the submarine to try to escape.

-The Chinese HSU001 unmanned submarine slipped silently to the nuclear submarine Connecticut and attached it to the bow of the ship far away from the nuclear power plant for a close local explosion attack, causing serious damage to the bow of the boat and loss of sonar. Navigation capabilities. Nuclear power plants are not affected, preventing nuclear leaks from polluting waters.


-The Connecticut nuclear submarine, which lost its underwater submarine capability, was forced to float up and surrender. Due to the close surveillance of the navy and air force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, military aircraft and ships from the six countries of the United States, Japan, Britain, Australia, Holland, and Canada dared not come to rescue them in the South China Sea exercise. The submarine was "escorted" by the Chinese Navy and Air Force under the South China Sea.
~~康涅狄格號核潛艇失去了水下潛航能力,被迫浮出水面投降。由於中國人民解放軍海空軍的嚴密監視,美、日、英、澳、荷、加六國軍機軍艦不敢到南海軍演區去救援。 這艘美國潛艇在中國海空軍的“護航”下離開中國南海。
-October 7th-The United States announced the Connecticut accident by the United States in an obscure manner.
-October 7-The Chinese Foreign Ministry frantically questioned the ins and outs of the USS Connecticut incident.
-October 22-The Chinese monitoring system detected a US nuclear submarine entering the South China Sea again near Huangyan Island. The Chinese military also forced the submarine to float up and limped to Guam.
The US nuclear submarines can no longer hide in the Waters off CHINA.
Game over for US submarines.
Without the protection of submarines, the US aircraft carrier fleet can only become the target of China's Dongfeng 21D, Dongfeng 26 and Dongfeng 17. Without the strength of the aircraft carrier fleet, the United States will soon game over in the military.
美國航母艦作戰群沒有潛艇的保護,只能成為中國東風21D、東風26和東風17的扛殺目標。沒有航空母艦作戰群的實力,美國在軍事上博弈能力很快就會“劍惡化(game over)”,玩完。
So Paul Keating of AUSTRALIA was dead right PM Morrison is wasting billions buying nuclear subs that China can hunt and destroy this minute.
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