“俄羅斯抗烏克蘭及北約保衛戰”深層次恐怖事實, 基乎全西方都撥盡火頭去慫恿烏克蘭挑釁俄羅斯,用盡方法逼迫俄羅斯出兵,戰禍就此而生,這一切,仔細觀察是西方盎格鲁撒克遜及日耳曼的天主教,基督教, 白人主義, 納粹主義的宗教霸權, 種族滅絶, 消除黃禍的長久以來的詭計, 其毒可佈, 其心極黑, 英華, 美華, 加華, 澳華要居安思危, 對所居之地的政治變化, 社情變化要密切關注, 尤其那些華奸的一舉一動, 小心!!!盡可能在那些華奸出手前, 制止制裁!
這次事件,甚為怪異, 是世界戰史中極為罕有, 實際未有經歴過, 歷史大部份戰事, 不論開戰前, 或開戰後, 都有不少人或國家儘量尋求避開戰爭, 這次完全不同, 只有法國一國在奔走, 其他以美英為首, 幾乎所有國家都在挑釁拚命添油加火, 還有一絶對神奇的怪異現象, 就是所有西方以白人為主的國家,開戰前已經各國幾乎是"瘋癲""瘋狂"地向西烏克蘭的人民招手, 開出各種方便及優惠條件要招收他她們, 跟所有以前的對戰爭難民儘量拒之的"正常"態度完全相反!!!!
細心觀察二三十年美英德澳等國的國內人力人口問題, 英美加德, 嬰兒潮一代, 逐漸彫萎,, 盎格魯撒克遜新一代, 二代, 三代基於"自由化""自利化""性濫化""性畸化",, 生育率逐年低滑, 人力人口萎縮快速, 所以二三十年內不斷引進移民, 好遺憾的所能引進的不是西方國家心底極為討厭的食米之人, 就是色目人, 綠教人, 南亞人, 太平洋波族人! 基教白人極少,中國改革開放, 人民小康起來, 反而百姓更大發向洋夢(是鄧少平種的孽, 他及他部屬的二三代是向洋海漂最熱烈的人群, 鄧小平更叫留學生可以不回國, 暗示自由選擇(政府的所有資助完全不需反還) !!!區區二十年, 美英德澳食米之人氾濫, 因美國冷血殘忍掠奪到處放火, 非洲, 中東, 各地大量難民又到處流竄, 所有西方國家的少數民族反而漸漸覆蓋白種人,,,
這問題的被提起, 歷史是諷刺的, 竟是本身一半有色人種的美國前總統奧巴馬, 是他首先針對西方本不起眼的亞洲人,實際是中國人, 奧巴馬首先攪亂亞洲(其實是針對中國)的各種手段, 到侵侵及拜登更瘋狂加火!
而西方各國面對國內的種族越來越變雜色越來越忍無可忍, 但是人力又越來越緊張, 各西方國家的白人互相移動極少, 也對”白種再生”毫無用處, 東歐, 如南斯拉夫區的白種人又多信綠教或希臘或其他, 這些人的科技素質不高, 整個世界唯可以滿足西方諸國白種人需要的就只有西烏克蘭的天主教或基督教的白人, 而且西烏克蘭人科技及工匠人教育及訓練基乎是西方所急於需要,,,最重要是文化基乎相同, 還有, 還有, 女性的人類學生物學優生學等因素絶對是白種人所急需, 西方國家這次群起惡鬦咬噬普京, 就是如果勝當然可以掠奪異教徒的資源及文化滅絕, 再進一步消滅黃禍, 消滅中華, 退一步奴隸中華!!!戰輸, 更佳, 接收大量大量信天主, 信基督教而優質又白中之白的白種人在他們國家去溝淡, 沖淡, 甚至覆蓋目前雜色化, 尤其黃禍化!!!
所以, 當你用世界歷史, 人類歷史, 人種觀, 種族觀, 經濟觀, 宗教觀看烏俄戰事, 其中西方陰謀一早部署, 老安堅持看法, 普京已是退無可退, 忍無可忍, 不出手, 東正教徒死無全屍, 教族滅絕!!!
回覆刪除What Should Ukraine Do & Is Russia Losing The War Due To Economic Sanctions? (John Mearsheimer)
Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine?
For years, the political scientist has claimed that Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine is caused by Western intervention. Have recent events changed his mind?
Isaac Chotiner
March 01, 2022
A Brief History of U.S.-Russian Missteps
回覆刪除Bill Burns revisits NATO enlargement and other stories from a relationship gone bad.
MARCH 11, 2019
US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene
Former US Ambassador to Russia William J. Burns, who is now CIA director, admitted in a classified 2008 embassy cable that NATO expansion to Ukraine crosses Moscow’s security “redlines” and “could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”
The Clinton-era blunder that set the stage for today’s Ukrainian crisis
Instead of working toward a new, inclusive European security order, Clinton expanded NATO over the objections of a prostrate Russia.
FEBRUARY 13, 2022
〃U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
回覆刪除The documents show that multiple national leaders were considering and rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in NATO as of early 1990 and through 1991, that discussions of NATO in the context of German unification negotiations in 1990 were not at all narrowly limited to the status of East German territory, and that subsequent Soviet and Russian complaints about
being misled about NATO expansion were founded in written contemporaneous memcons and telcons at the highest levels.
The documents reinforce former CIA Director Robert Gates’s
criticism of “pressing ahead with expansion of NATO eastward [in the 1990s], when Gorbachev and others were led to believe that wouldn’t happen.” The key phrase, buttressed by the documents, is “led to believe.”1 That indeed is the key phrase. Not so much for a Western reader, who may not regard Robert Gates as the best arbiter in the debate on NATO enlargement, but for a Russian steeped in the anti-Gorbachev narrative, who will read it as “Gorbachev was naïve/stupid enough to believe.” This, indeed, is how it was “interpreted” in most of the Russian commentary of the publication. So what was said and what was agreed on Gorbachev’s watch, and what were the alternatives? I have discussed the subject with several Russian and Western participants in the political and diplomatic processes of 1989–1991. None of them recalls that there was any substantive discussion of a possible NATO enlargement to countries of Central and Eastern Europe during those years. This is regardless of their evaluation of NATO enlargement as such, i.e. whether it was a good or a bad idea in the first place and whether it was properly managed.〃
Above is the "verbal promises made to Gorbachev"
〃…Under the circumstances, Yeltsin’s objections to NATO pushing east (despite verbal promises made to the last head of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, not to do so) could easily be ignored. After all, Russia was too weak to matter. And in those final Cold War moments, no one even imagined such NATO expansion. So, betrayal? Perish the thought! No matter that Gorbachev steadfastly denounced such moves and did so again this past December...〃
The Clinton-era blunder that set the stage for today’s Ukrainian crisis
回覆刪除加上在「北約不東擴」之口頭承諾又反口玩嘢(仲恥笑俄佬天真,冇簽紙作實,話只係當時負責談判的某些人如James Baker的口頭承諾),京大帝今次仲咁天真信北約?
央視旗下中國環球電視網(CGTN)主播劉欣在社交媒體推特寫下評論:Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?(你能不能幫我打你的朋友,這樣我以後可以專心打你?)
回覆刪除劉欣的評論引發熱議。中國人民大學重陽金融研究院研究員John Ross(羅思義)轉發劉欣的評論,並且寫道:「美國希望中國接受美國對俄羅斯的制裁等,這樣美國就可以削弱俄羅斯,然後美國會轉身攻擊一個更加孤立的中國。」
西方所有媒體, 幾乎全部一面倒, 無他者, 全球所有媒體, 幾乎全是油軚人全面控制及金主!!!!