“美國國務院,已就中國橡皮圖章式的人大議會宣佈在即將舉行的會議上將製定香港新的國家安全法列入議程一事,向中國發出警告,認為這一舉動可能會加劇這個半自治城市的憤怒和抗議。 ...而這可能使北京能有借口出手打擊香港的反政府抗議活動,並進一步引發人們對香港的自治會崩坍的擔憂。美國國務院發言人摩根·奧塔古斯警告說:“任何不符合香港人民意願的強制執行國家安全立法的努力都將受到國際譴責。 ”
通過選擇老生常談的形容詞,美國CNN媒體明顯地是遵循一向的敘事模式來妖魔化中國; 很明顯,要摧毀香港只是遏制和威懾中國的必要方式之一。
CNN:“...這一舉動可能會進一步激起半自治城市的憤怒和抗議。” 事實是,我認識的大多數香港人,却因為有這麼多雇傭兵式的暴徒和誤導香港青年參與去年的抗議活動都非常憤怒。我們寧願把他們集體移民到美國。
美國有線電視新聞網:“...任何不反映香港人民意願的國家安全立法的努力都將受到國際社會的譴責。” 事實是所有這些恐怖分子行為當然不代表香港人民的意願,因此請不要歪曲事實。 有時候,半真半假的真相比整個真相更傷人,但CNN報導的內容甚至不完全真實,更不用说,其實香港的大多数人不同意他们的暴力行为。 這些恐怖分子/暴徒毫無疑問是違反了法律,應被關進監獄。
我們認為,國家安全法不僅是維護香港穩定的必須,而且符合美國的最佳利益。 一個動盪的大城市不可能也不會對世界和平是好事 ,是嗎? 除非美國相信世界上這一地區的不穩定會進一步實現其設定的政治目標,否則在道義上或地緣政治上不應該也不可能這樣做。我們相信CNN應該考慮以公正、客觀和公平的方式報導事實。 我們懇請CNN不要有意地或無意地干涉另一個國家的政治,如果這一要求不現實,我們真誠地希望CNN至少只報告事實。 畢竟,按照新聞理想,媒體的目標是說實話。我們希望什麼也不要,就是要事實。
Dear Mr Clark,…/hong-kong-npc-article-…/index.html
"The US State Department has issued a warning to China over the announcement by its rubber-stamp parliament that a new national security law in Hong Kong will be on the agenda at its upcoming meeting, a move likely to fuel further anger and protests in the semi-autonomous city. ...could enable Beijing to crack down on anti-government protests in Hong Kong and has raised further fears that the city's autonomy is being eroded....State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus warned that "any effort to impose national security legislation that does not reflect the will of the people of Hong Kong would be met with international condemnation."
With the choice of the usual adjectives, CNN is clearly following a narrative to demonise China, and it is clear that destroying HK is but one of the necessary ways to contain and deter China.
I am not a communist, nor will I ever become one. I am not in politics and do not intend to enter the political arena. I was born and raised in HK and have called HK home my entire life. I, thankfully, received top American education and spent more than a decade in the US in the past. For years I had been an ardent cultural ambassador for the US, despite not being a citizen. And I used to watch and read CNN all the time. Now I am starting to have second thoughts. CNN's apparent stance to be part and parcel of the agenda to deter and contain China at the expense of HK is misguided, if not altogether wrong. I will explain.
With all the violence and terrorism in 2019 that wreaked havoc in our city, it is clear that HK cannot afford to allow the same dark forces to continue to undermine the stability and prosperity of HK. I don't believe that terrorism of a similar nature would be allowed to fester in the US to the extent witnessed here in HK in 2019. Had such terrorism taken place on US soil, without a doubt, all such terrorists wold have been shot and killed on the spot by the US police.
CNN: "...a move likely to fuel further anger and protests in the semi-autonomous city." The truth is, the vast majority of HKgers I know are very angry that there are so many mercenaries and misguided youths in HK participating in last year's protests. We would prefer that they emigrate to the US, if your country would just take them as refugees.
CNN: "... any effort to impose national security legislation that does not reflect the will of the people of Hong Kong would be met with international condemnation ." The truth is all such terrorist acts certainly do not represent the will of the HK people and hence please do not distort the truth. Sometimes half-truths hurt more than the whole truth but what CNN is reporting is not even half truths, not least because the majority of people in HK do not agree with their violent actions. These terrorists/thugs have broken the law beyond reasonable doubt and should be put behind bars.
We believe that the National Security law is a must to safeguard not only the stability of HK , but it is also in the best interest of the US. A major city in turmoil cannot and will not bode well for world peace, or will it? Unless America believes in destabilisation in this part of the world to further its goals, which should not, and cannot be the case, morally or geopolitically, we believe that CNN should consider reporting the facts as they are, in an unbiased, objective and fair manner. We implore CNN to avoid interfering with another country's politics, wittingly and unwittingly, and if this request is not realistic, we sincerely hope that CNN will at least report only facts. After all, the objective of the media, as per journalistic ideals, is to tell the truth, and we hope, nothing but the truth.
Would it be too much to ask of the CNN editorial board to forward this email to all your reporters stationed in HK, especially those who are responsible to write about HK, to consider the arguments (and merits thereof ?) contained in this email?
Thank you for your time and kind attention.