Dumbo Drump got plummeted
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photo: Hollywood Reporter |
作為對美國總統的回應,皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)寫了已經向特朗普一封坦率直接的公開信,結束了他們之間十五年的友誼。
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忠言逆耳利於行, 良藥苦口利於病。 |
週五晚上,你在Twitter上取消關注我,這跟你只有被關注的47個帳戶之中, 並不是一個微不足道的決定。
是的,在我的專欄裡,我寫上"總統特朗普,閉上你的臭嘴! 為此,我不道歉。
你是美國權力最強大的人,你的話承擔著巨大的份量和後果。 幾個小時內,被你建議使用漂白劑可能性的主意,使到馬里蘭州一條公共衛生熱線接到了超過一百個電話,詢問他們是否應該使用家用的洗滌劑來對抗病毒,不得不被迫發出警報,警告人們不要嘗試它。
我能理解為什麼這麼直接坦率的語言來自一個長期的朋友,可能冒犯了你,我明白當我寫的時候。 你的臉皮薄得出了名,對任何批評都非常敏感。
我們認識15年了,當你擔任總統時,我總是努力做到公平和公道。 當我認為你出問題的時候,我批評你(我寫了55篇關於你的評論專欄)如果我認為你是對的,我支持你。
1)請幹得嚴肅,非常嚴肅。 看到自己支持率飆升的世界領導人- 包括德國的安格拉·默克爾女士、新西蘭的雅辛達·阿德內女士和法國的埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍先生 - 都是如此幹事情! 早期意識到這新冠病毒病疫的將是他們國家近代史上最大的危機,他們相應地調整了他們的工作。 沒有人願意看到或聽到他們的領導人在成千上萬的人死於可怕的病毒時。 還“打渾、調侃、硬滑稽、吹水!”他們想要一個定海神針。
2)表現出一些貼地的同情和同理心。 你在任何冗長的簡報中只是單獨的提到這種冠狀病毒疫病對美國人民的可怕而已。
事實上,華盛頓郵報計算出,在超過13個小時的講臺上,你只花了4.5分鐘來表達哀悼。 現在已經超過5.5萬美國人因疫病死亡。 他們的親人孩子們,朋友和同事想聽一聽你關心他們的一言片語。 所以,每天給他們看你做的。 告訴他們些一疫病亡者的故事,還有那些倖存下來的人的故事。 我們需要絕望中的希望。
3)停止與媒體交戰。 在如此大規模的危機中,如此多的生命依賴於政府,對任何一位記者來說,沒有什麼比讓政府站在火邊更重要的工作了 做出正確的決定。 你在簡報會上侮蔑惡懟媒體的方式是多麼令人厭惡和不體面。
所以我們的媒體受到了美國憲法第一修正案 - 憲法中唯一專門保護的專業 - 主要不是針對文娛和演藝,不是強調瑣碎和感傷,更不是簡單地〝給予公眾它想要什麼就可以什麼〞,而是告知,喚起,反思,陳述我們的可能遇到的危險和機會,指出我們會面對的危機和我們的選擇,領導,塑造,教育,有時甚至激揚公眾的意見。”如果你想讓媒體向你表示尊重,那就開始向他們秀你可以給他們的什麼。
4)把簡報會縮短到最多四十五分鐘,不要說自己吹擂超過十分鐘。 除了你和你頑固的支持者之外,沒有人願意聽到每天天馬行空的競選貨式。 你以一種不可告人的、令人討厭的方式,總是吹噓你對簡報內容的自我出色評價,但為什麼這麼多人不調整他們電視的頻道! 唯一原因是因為他們要麼害怕,要麼想要準確得到資訊和放心。 或者因為他們喜歡看看一如“汽車碰撞般有趣”的電視畫面。
5)說實話。 在如此嚴重的公共衛生災難中,真相比以往任何時候都重要。 然而,在你提供的東西中有25%是虛假或誤導性的資訊。 就是在總統的最受歡迎的時期,也是完全不能接受的。在這樣的危機中,這更是令人髮指的。 當你對我們撒謊時,事實上我們用自己的眼睛是可以看得事實的清楚面目時,例如’漂白水”事件,這是對你特別弄巧成拙的。 這不只是正如你後來所聲稱的“好玩、幽諷”,你當時也沒有把它點明是“假新聞”,我們可以看到你問你的專家的表情。 所以,當你試圖令人原諒你那可怕而低級的錯誤時,最諷刺的是你揭露了自己是假新聞的傳播者。
6)不要老是自吹自捧了。 在這種時候它會令人非常噁心、作嘔。 除了你在這場危機中的表現,是因為美國對於這次病毒疫病的反應非常緩慢和長期缺乏國家疫病的準備,不值得稱讚之外, 你一小時又一小時地站在那裏,告訴我們你是多麼偉大,你正在做一份多麼完美的工作,而諷刺的美國的死亡率却如火箭升飛的更高, 這是在減少你的正面形象呀。 馬克龍向他的人民承認自省,他的政府在準備這流行疫病方面犯了錯誤,法國人民喜歡他的坦率。 向他學習吧; 你小小的謙卑會讓你走更長遠的路。
7)把醫療報告及資訊留給醫衛專家吧。 沒有什麼比在講臺上看著你對你剛才聽到的任何新的荒唐冠狀病毒理論的吹水更荒謬的了,就像你是娛樂節目中的“豪斯醫生”, 你不是醫生,就像你上周你自己承認的。 所以,別裝蒜。
8)少在“推特”發這麼多無關緊要的廢話。 昨天晚上,你被覊鎖在一場琑碎無聊的 “推特”風暴之中(現在,其中大部分已經被刪除)反對媒體,要求新聞工作者歸還他們的。 正如我在答復中指出的,這是“諾貝爾獎”, 其實你噴他們的是“普利策”獎。 但到底鬼會在乎呢? 現在急切的,只有一件事你應該以“鐳射之力”如何在冠狀病毒疫病在殘殺更多的美國人之前打敗它 。
9)我不想再聽到你說你工作有多難。 我希望,而且每個美國人都會相同的希奇,美國總統目前正盡他可能地努力工作對付現代最大打擊這個國家的危機中。 再一次,若還是自困在過度的自我防禦性、急於自辯、過份的自大,它只會激怒那些正在遭受巨大痛苦問題的國民.
10)當冠狀病毒疫病爆發的時候,忘掉那些在你的總統任期中佔據主導地位並對你職位留下傷痛以及和扭曲的黨派政治吧, 一切都變了。 人們現在都有著共同的敵人,而這敵人不會分別誰是共和黨人或誰是民主黨人。 你應該把你的對手帶到白宮,團結統一的陣線,而不是繼續嘲笑和貶壓他們。
總統先生,沒有人假裝這一切都很簡單。 對任何領導人來說,沒有什麼更糟糕的是全國突發一種新的、邪惡的病毒肆虐並殺死數萬國民和令到美國的經濟一夜之間突然跌到了歷史上最差水平的情况。
現在是可怕的時刻,數百萬人正遭受著非常嚴重的痛苦。 但你危險的而且古怪行為,讓現實情況變得更糟。
德國頂尖冠狀病毒研究科學家克里斯蒂安·德羅斯滕(Christian Drosten)今天在衛報上解釋了默克爾總理她的聲望來由:“有助於她的是她一名科學家,她消息靈通,能夠處理理解科學數據。 但這是性格的一部份,她思想慎密並有能力去稽消息的真實。 也許一個好的領導人的一個顯著特點是他們沒有把像這種情況拿來作政治秀的機會 。 他們知道這會是多麼的反效果。
謹此,皮爾斯。Dumbo Drump got plummeted
Piers Morgan ends his 15-year friendship with Donald Trump with a brutal open letter to the US president
Daily Mail Columnist, Piers Morgan has ended his 15-year friendship with Donald Trump with a brutal open letter to the US president after Trump
unfollowed him on Twitter for criticizing his approach to the Coronavirus.
Recall the Good Morning Britain host wrote an article, where he told Trump to 'shut the f**k up' because his approach to the Coronavirus pandemic was 'batsh*t crazy'.
Few hours later, Trump, who didn't find the article funny, unfollowed him on Twitter.
In reply to the US president, Piers Morgan has penned a brutal open letter to Trump, ending their 15-year friendship.
Read his open letter below.
Dear Donald,
On Friday evening, you unfollowed me on Twitter, which given you only follow 47 accounts was not an insignificant decision.
It came a few hours after I posted a column in which I lambasted you for using your daily Coronavirus press briefings to air ‘batsh*t crazy’ cure theories like ‘injecting or ingesting’ bleach into patients with COVID-19.
I used very forceful language to convey my dismay at such reckless, shocking and woefully irresponsible behavior.
Indeed, the column began with the words ‘SHUT THE F**K UP, PRESIDENT TRUMP!’,And for that, I make no apology.
You are the most powerful person in America and your words carry enormous weight and consequence. Within hours of you suggesting it might be a good idea to use bleach, one public health hotline in one state – Maryland – received 100 phone calls asking about whether they should use household detergent to combat the virus, and was forced to issue an alert warning people not to try it.
New York City’s Poison Control Center took 30 similar calls from the moment your briefing last Thursday night ended to 3pm the next day - and was also forced to release an alert saying that using bleach ‘can put people at great risk.’
This latest debacle came after you previously and repeatedly hyped up an anti-malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine, as another ‘cure’ - until it turned out to cause more deaths in COVID patients than those who weren’t treated with it.
This is a terrifying illustration of how dangerous your rhetoric can be.
So yes, I think when it comes to floating mad ideas about potential ‘cures’ for coronavirus, you should shut the f*ck up.
I can understand why such direct language from a long-time friend may have offended you, and I understood that when I wrote it. You have a notoriously thin skin and take any criticism very badly.
(Though, from personal experience, I don’t think you’re a stranger to deploying such profane terminology yourself when something angers you.)
But I’ve always believed the best friends are ones unafraid to offer blunt unvarnished criticism to someone who is behaving in a shockingly self-destructive way, especially when that person is the President of the United States during a global pandemic.
We’ve known each other 15 years, and I’ve always tried to be fair and balanced when it’s come to your presidency. I criticize you when I think you deserve it (I’ve written 55 critical columns about you) and I support you if I think you’re right.
That makes me an outlier in current media, the vast majority of whom either implacably criticize you or blindly support you.
But if you can’t handle my criticism, and our friendship is over, then let me mark the end of our relationship with a few home truths about your spectacularly bad handling of this crisis that may yet, if you heed them, still enable you to get re-elected in November.
1) Get serious, very serious. The world leaders that are seeing their approval ratings soar – including Germany’s Angela Merkel, New Zealand’s Jacinda Arderne and France’s Emmanuel Macron - are the ones who realized early on this was going to be the biggest crisis in their country’s modern history and have adjusted their behavior accordingly. Nobody wants to see or hear their leader playing the buffoon when thousands are dying from a terrible virus. They want a gravity that reflects the reality.
2) Show some damn empathy and compassion. You’ve barely mentioned, in any of your long rambling briefings, the terrible impact of this coronavirus on the American people.
In fact, the Washington Post calculated that you’ve spent just 4.5 minutes expressing any condolences, in over 13 hours of talking from the podium. More than 55,000 Americans have now died. Their relatives, friends and co-workers want to hear that you care about them. So, show them that you do, every day. Tell some of their stories, and those who’ve survived too. We need hope amid the despair.
3) Stop warring with the media. There can be no more important job for any journalist than holding a government’s feet to the fire during such a massive crisis where so many lives are dependent on the right decisions being made. The way you’ve been abusing the media during your briefings is repulsively rude and undignified.
Remember the words of President John F. Kennedy about freedom of the press: ‘Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed. That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment - the only business specifically protected by the Constitution – not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants” but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mould, educate and sometime even anger public opinion.’ If you want the press to show you respect, then start showing them some.
4) Cut the briefings to a maximum of 45 minutes and don’t speak yourself for more than 10 minutes. Nobody wants to hear a daily free-wheeling campaign rally other than you and your die-hard base supporters. In a hideously unedifying way, you keep boasting about your brilliant ratings for the briefings, but the only reasons so many are tuning in are because either they’re scared and want accurate information and reassurance. Or because they love car crash television.
At the moment, you’re offering plenty of the latter and none of the former.
5) Tell the truth. In a public health disaster of this magnitude, truth matters more than ever. Yet you’ve offered false or misleading information in 25% of your remarks. This is completely unacceptable in a president during the best of times, but during a crisis like this it’s outrageous. It’s particularly self-defeating when you lie about something that we’ve seen with our own eyes like the bleach moment. It wasn’t ‘sarcasm’, as you claimed later, and you weren’t addressing it to the ‘fake news’ - we could see you asking your experts. So, when you try to excuse your horrendous error like that, you reveal yourself, ironically, to be the purveyor of fake news.
6) Stop constantly praising yourself. It’s nauseating at a time like this. Apart from the fact you don’t deserve much praise for your performance in this crisis due to America’s horribly slow response to the virus and chronic lack of preparedness, it is so diminishing for you to stand there for hour after hour telling us how great you are and what a perfect job you’re doing as America’s death toll rockets ever higher. Macron admitted to his people that his administration had made mistakes in the preparation for this kind of pandemic, and the French people loved his candour. Learn from that; a little humility in your case would go a very long way right now.
7) Leave medical statements to the experts. There have been few more absurd spectacles than watching you at the podium theorizing about any new crazy coronavirus theory you’ve just heard, like you’re Dr House. You’re not a doctor, as you admitted last week. So, stop pretending to be one.
8) Cut tweeting so much irrelevant crap. Last night you embarked on a cringe-making and pitifully petty tweet storm (much of it now deleted) against the media, demanding journalists give back their ‘Noble prizes’. As I pointed out in my reply, it’s ‘Nobel’ and the prizes you were alluding to are Pulitzers. But who the hell cares anyway? There is only one thing you should be laser-focused on right now and it’s how to defeat coronavirus before it slaughters more Americans.
9) I don’t want to hear any more from you about how hard you’re working. I expect, and every American will assume, that the President of the United States is currently working as hard as he possibly can on the biggest crisis to hit the country in modern times. Again, reign in the overly-defensive self-justification and self-aggrandizing, it just irritates people who are suffering massive problems.
10) Forget about the bitter and twisted partisan politics that dominated and scarred your presidency to the point when coronavirus erupted. Everything’s changed. We all have a common enemy now, and it’s one that doesn’t recognize a republican from a democrat. You should be bringing your opponents to the White House and presenting a united front, not continuing to mock and belittle them.
Mr President, nobody pretends that any of this is easy. There can’t be anything worse for any leader than seeing a new, wicked virus ravage the country, killing tens of thousands of people, and the economy suddenly tank to the worst levels in US history.
These are scary times and millions of people are suffering very badly. But you’re making it worse with your dangerously erratic conduct.
And if you continue, it will cost you the election.
Chancellor Merkel is someone whose crisis leadership is a template for what you should be doing.
Germany’s top coronavirus scientist Christian Drosten explained her popularity today in the Guardian: ‘She’s extremely well-informed, it helps that she’s a scientist and can handle numbers. But it mainly comes down to her character – her thoughtfulness and ability to reassure. Maybe one of the distinguishing features of a good leader is they are not using this situation as a political opportunity. They know how counter-productive it would be.
You’ve dug yourself into a horrible hole, Donald, and you’re making it deeper with everything you do and say.
However, if you heed my advice, and begin to guide the country through its darkest hour with a more serious, consistent, determined and empathetic style, then I believe there is still a chance the American people will forgive you and reward you with re-election later this year.
You don’t have to re-follow me Donald, but for old time’s sake I would urge you to listen to me.
Yours respectfully, Piers。
回覆刪除祝安康愉快! 闔府吉祥!
居家隔離, 慘過坐監, 唯有如此, 渡過艱難!
回覆刪除一般民眾可以三天出一次街上購物嗎 ? 我們是凡是入境的人,都要閉關14天,看看可有染上新冠病毒。