比以往任何時候都更加清楚,實質地表明今時今日完全墮落的帝國主義國家是以各種方法想通過香港對中國的式進攻…華盛頓和它的代理人是如何拋棄所有人類應持有的良善去進行的他們的邪惡。 香港和其他地方一樣,這些黑暗勢力以強姦真相,製造虛假的普世價值的故事來出售和合化他們的各式破壞及掠奪。
一般說來,我盡量中庸我的話語。但這時候, 時間已不多了。這是一個緊迫的時候。在美國國會委員會要立法所謂“捍衛”香港公民權利的法案的聆聽會跟前,香港大規模抗議活動最前線的年輕人的形象肯定會影響美國國會的,這後果都是令人寒栗的。
坦率地說,這種“”確實是沒有用的,也顯示我的愚蠢。一種無助無意義的愚蠢。 我為什麼還要這麼呼籲?因為任何向這個世界頭號戰爭販子的國家求助的人都是多麼熱切的希望摧毀他們的城市。任何要求美國支持“公民權利”的人,實際上都是要求設立酷刑中心(如關塔那摩灣),讓他們的武力在街頭施暴,要完全對跟他們不同意見的市民、公民一舉一動的全面監視,以及監禁那些對事實說真話的記者和評論者。
如果一個由美國控制的香港不可能實現的說話,美國很高興香港被摧毀,就像他們非常高興地參與了全世界數十個國家的毀滅一樣。過去的幾十年裡的教訓。讓我們看清看楚, 如果香港繼續發生暴力“抗爭”活動,那麼香港作為一個自由社會就會沉淪毀滅。
事實上,即使在一九九七年回歸後,香港也是一個繁榮和自由的經濟城市。誠然,英國政府已經下旗遠去,但這座城市仍然是世界上最自由的經濟實體之一。但是以美國的強權霸道來看,這是絕不可以接受的。 美國和中國現在正進入一場現代冷戰戰役,一個成功的、繁榮的“一國兩制”模式下的香港就是替中國更添光彩,這萬萬不能。
如果這場向美國國會呼籲支持的香港“民主黨”派的鬧劇取得真正的進展,香港就走上了內戰的道路。在過去的一周裏,我們看到了抗議者的暴力行為越來越極端,他們毆打普通市民,只要因為他們根本不願分享他們的政治理念和汽油彈。如果美國繼續通過了一些“支持香港”類型的“法律”,那麼! 可以肯定,不久,美國將向香港的“自由戰士”出售、提供武器。
The commentary below is one of the most astute in English on Hong Kong's ongoing turmoil. It's by a Westerner who knows HK and China from extensive first-hand experience.
That's why it doesn't appear in Anglophone MSM, only in China Daily, a major English newspaper in China. Google has blocked it and Facebook has made it unshareable.
Its substance underscores more clearly than ever the total depravity of the Empire's attack on China through Hong Kong ... how Washington and its agents abandon all human characteristics as they go about their evil. In HK as elsewhere, these forces of darkness rape the truth as they manufacture parallel-universe narratives to sell and justify their depredations.
Even more despicable, though, are the locals who knowingly and actively help the Empire commit such atrocities against their own people and society. For them, no retribution could be too severe.
Here's the commentary in full. May it be read by as many people as possible around the world.
HK Protesters Should Stop Playing With "Death Dealers"
By Chris Lonsdale

In general, I try to be moderate with my words. But there are times when that is not enough. This is one of those times. The image of young people at the forefront of Hong Kong’s mass protests testifying before a US congressional commission in support of American legislation aimed at "defending" Hong Kong people's civil rights should put a shiver down all our spines.
To be absolutely blunt, this “appeal” really is a special kind of stupid. An unparalleled form of stupid, in fact. Why do I say this? Because anybody appealing to the world’s No. 1 warfare state is asking to have their city destroyed. Anybody asking the United States to support “civil rights” is, in fact, asking for torture centers (like Guantanamo Bay), police brutality in the streets, complete and total surveillance of citizens’ every move, and the incarceration of journalists and whistle-blowers who speak truth to power.
These hearings in the US give the lie to the idea that the Hong Kong protests are purely homegrown. Sure, there are homegrown elements, but the US war machine has been deeply involved stirring the pot. Since 1997, the US, via various CIA-linked organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), has invested millions in building activist, anti-Chinese groups in the territory. I will not go into the details here, as others have done a very good job on this point. But it should be obvious that if the US cared about democracy in Hong Kong, NED would have been active in the territory during British rule.
At the congressional hearings this week, Cantopop star Denise Ho Wan-see is quoted as saying “If Hong Kong falls, it would easily become the springboard for the totalitarian regime of China to push its rules and priorities overseas, utilizing its economic powers to conform others to their communist values.”
If a US-controlled Hong Kong is not possible, the US is quite happy for Hong Kong to be destroyed, just as they have happily been party to the destruction of dozens of countries around the world over the last few decades. Let us be very clear – if violent protests continue in Hong Kong, then one way or another, Hong Kong will fail as a free society.
By this, what she really means is, she would much prefer for Hong Kong to become a US protectorate. A part of the ever-expanding American Empire. And, if this is not possible, she’s quite happy for Hong Kong to be turned into a cratered wasteland. Because, let us be very clear, the US cannot allow a successful Hong Kong to exist as part of China, just as it could not allow Libya to persist as the wealthiest part of Africa, especially since its strongman-ruler Muammar Gaddafi was moving to a gold-for-oil model, sidestepping the petro-dollar.
And, from observing US behavior around the world, if the US can’t get the control it wants, it will destroy the people and countries that refuse to “bend a knee”.
When the US bombed Libya back to the Stone Age, the goal wasn’t to “liberate” the people of Libya, it was simply to maintain US control of oil.
When the US put sanctions on Venezuela, it was not to bring democracy to the country, it was to force the country to allow American control of one of the largest oil reserves in the world. How, after all, do you bring “democracy” to a country already known to have some of the freest elections in the world (as reported by very many election observers, including former US president Jimmy Carter). So far, this attempt to “tame” Venezuela has failed, but the costs to the country of this siege by the US are staggeringly high.
If Ho really cares about democracy as she says, she should be working to help the people of Venezuela, and Libya, and Haiti, and…
Hong Kong has been a thriving and free economic powerhouse, even after 1997. True, the British government has gone, but the city has remained at the top of the list of the world’s freest economies. For the powers-that-be in the US, this is unacceptable. The US and China are now entering a modern-day cold war. A successful and prosperous Hong Kong under the "one country, two systems" model makes China look good. This cannot be.
And, if a US-controlled Hong Kong is not possible, the US is quite happy for Hong Kong to be destroyed, just as they have happily been party to the destruction of dozens of countries around the world over the last few decades. Let us be very clear – if violent protests continue in Hong Kong, then one way or another, Hong Kong will fail as a free society.
It’s very unlikely that the US would face off militarily against China over Hong Kong, due to high cost in US lives in such a scenario. If this did happen, of course, this would lead to the total destruction of Hong Kong, just like Iraq, Libya and Syria.
But, the US doesn’t need to put troops on the ground in Hong Kong. It simply needs to use its proxies – like these people in front of congress this week – to create so much turbulence in Hong Kong that the Chinese military is forced to intervene. And again, let’s be clear. This is the US playbook, which has been used on multiple occasions. Syria is the most recent case in point. The Syrian civil war has been for years portrayed as being a civilian uprising. However, the evidence is now overwhelming that the ISIS terrorists in Syria are funded and armed by the US.
Should this farce of Hong Kong “democrats” appealing to the US Congress make any real headway, we are on the path to Hong Kong having its very own civil war. In the last week, we have seen the use of increasingly extreme violence by protesters, with beatings of fellow citizens for simply not sharing their politics and gasoline bombs. If the US passes some “support Hong Kong” type of “law”, then you can be sure that, before long, the US will be selling weapons to Hong Kong “freedom fighters”.
(The author is a psychologist, linguist, educator, entrepreneur, dialogue facilitator and corporate adviser with over 30 years’ experience doing business in Asia.)