
乜話,叫十字車要俾錢,? 你講嘢呀? 黐綫!

禽日, 呢邊電視台無啦啦攞件國民心痛嘅嘢出嚟嘈,係乜呢?

家鄉父老兄弟姐妹叔叔伯伯嬸嬸,你妳地幾咁幸福,叫十字車好似自己私家車咁,鍾意點叫就叫,冇事都要叫,睇下楓葉這民主自由典範國家,叫十字車嘅費用,有的省收費嚇死人, 係唔係香港人太幸福呢!注意,醫療保險係唔包叫十字車架!國民係要真金白銀俾車錢架!

Ambulance costs in Canada加拿大叫十字車費用
How much an ambulance costs:
1,British Columbia $50 if treated on scene; $80 if transported to hospital老鬼好彩,係卑詩省,叫過好多次咯,都係八十文,本省最低工資時薪十文兩毛半,即係一日人工,怕未。

不過,老鬼經驗, 八十文車錢都係好鬼抵架, 年前,老鬼係屋企突然心絞痛兼暈, 個仔馬上打九一一,同電台講,老鬼心臟病發,果陣時係晚上十一點幾, 冇幾耐, 十字車到, 消防車到,幾名急救員,幾名消防員衝上房,睇下我死未, 跟住,再Call 多一架配有救心設備十字車, 再多幾個急救員,成屋都係消防同救護員,攪咗一輪,先抬上車去醫院, 嘩,八十文,乜都抵咯!又之不過,都係香港抵的,斗零都唔使!又又之不過, 香港快好多, 未移民前,試過飲酒飲到休克,老友叫九九九,電話一放低,條“黑警”,氣囉氣喘咁拍門,唔夠幾“秒",十字佬已拖齊架生上到嚟! 點都係香港好嘢!!!

2,Alberta $250 if treated on scene; $385 if transported to hospital

3,Saskatchewan Depending on the health region, $245 or $325 + $2.30/km

4,Manitoba Depending on where you are in the province, the cost ranges from $270 + $3/km to $530緬省最貴,吓死人!

5,Ontario $45 if medically necessary, $240 if not medically necessary

6,Quebec $125 + $1.75/km

7,New Brunswick In New Brunswick those without private insurance don't pay ambulance fees.
UPDATE: In April, 2015, the province reinstated ambulance fees. Now, for those without insurance, the cost for an ambulance is $130

8,Nova Scotia $142.30

9,Newfoundland and Labrador $115

10,Prince Edward Island $150

11,Yukon No out-of-pocket charge to patients

12,Northwest Territories Varies by location

13,Nunavut Varies by location

1 則留言:

  1. 安哥唔講真係唔知:加國貴境叫白車要收費。雖然要一日人工都好專業。
